Last Updated on September 30, 2021 by CHANDRAMANI
Freons in a refrigerator are important for normal working and there are times when you need to fill it and sometimes freon can start leaking from it. Less freon can lead to abnormal cooling.
This guide will help you to know when to refill the freon and check if it is being leaked, etc.
Table of Contents
What is freon in a refrigerator?
Freon in the refrigerator is a colorless, odorless, nonflammable, and noncorrosive gas that is used as a refrigerant. It has a low boiling point and low viscosity due to which it changes its states during its cycle inside the refrigerator. Check out the guide to know how does a refrigerator work.
Signs of freon leak in refrigerator?
Freons leaks can be hazardous when not taken care of for a long period. To avoid any accident, you should take care of it right away. The six signs of freon leak in the refrigerator are-
1. Increase in Electricity Bills
If you notice an increase in electricity bills it can be due to leakage of freon from the refrigerator. Due to less freon, the appliance has to work harder to do cooling and as a result, consumes more power.
2. Spoiled Food
Freon pumping in the cooling tubes regulates the refrigerator temperature, but if you find food getting spoilt or refrigerator temperature high and food warm after long hours of continuous running then it is a sign of freon leakage.
3. Chemical Odor from the Food and Refrigerator
Although freon is odorless although freon leaking from the refrigerator can make food smell unpleasant.
4. Compressor running Continously
If the compressor is running continuously it can be due to a freon leak as due to less refrigerant it works continuously to keep the temperature in control.
5. Unexplained Illness
You may feel sick without any cause if you are exposed for a long period to freon. It can be in the form of a headache or feel dizzy. Freon leaks are dangerous to those who have heart-related diseases from before so they should be fixed as soon as possible.
6. Oil leak
If you notice an oil leak on the floor under the refrigerator, then it is a sign of a freon leak. The oil leak is the byproduct of freon leak and it happens along with it.
How to check refrigerator gas(Freon)
Here are the three different ways to check freon in a refrigerator.
1. Hear the refrigerator noises
The quickest and easiest way to check the freon in a refrigerator is by turning it off, then setting the temperature control to zero, and hearing the refrigerator noises. If you hear Boiling, gurgling, or knocking noises then these noises are created due to the circulation of the refrigerant which cools the refrigerator.
2. Sense the condenser heat
Find the condenser and take your hand near the condenser, if you do not feel the condenser is hot, then this may be due to a lack of freon.
3. Check the evaporator for frost build-up
When the refrigerator runs normally, then frost builds up on the evaporator coils, which is removed by automatic defrosting.
You should remove the evaporator cover and check for frost build-up after keeping it running for some time and doors closed. If you didn’t notice any frost build even after few minutes, then this means there is no freon i.e. no refrigerant.
How to Put Freon in a Refrigerator – Step by step Guide

Items Required
To refill freon you need
- a piercing valve Buy on AMAZON
- a freon can(134a Refrigerant) Buy on AMAZON
- Pressure meter hose Buy on AMAZON
Step 1: Identify the suction line and refrigerant type
The suction line is the tube that comes back to the compressor from the evaporator and sucks the refrigerant back into the compressor. The suction line is colder while the liquid line i.e. tube coming out from another side of the compressor is hot.
The type of refrigerant used can be identified by looking for the refrigerant type on the sticker. Most fridges use the R134a refrigerant type.
Step 2: Unplug your refrigerator from power source
Before you start filling the refrigerant make sure to unplug the refrigerator from the power source.
Step 3: Fix the piercing valve on the suction tube
Before fixing the piercing valve on the suction tube, make sure that the pointed thing is inside. It comes with two adapters, check by putting the adapter one by one which one fits properly and clean that part with sandpaper. Then put the suitable adapter on the tube and fit the piercing valve on the suction tube with alan range. Also, make sure to face the filling end of the piercing valve faces you so that you have easy access to it. (To understand better refer to the video below).
Step 4: Install the pressure meter hose
After tightening the bolts of the piercing valve, install the pressure meter hose and unscrew the other end(keep it open) which will fit on the can.
Step 5: Make the hole on suction tube
Rotate the piercing valve and make a hole on the suction tube while the valve gets closed. You cannot move the piercing valve now. You can now check the reading on the meter hose. The pointer will be in the green zone if the refrigerator is low on freon. The reading should be between 1 and 3 PSI.
Step 6: Plug in the refrigerator to power source
Now plug the refrigerator into the power source and wait for few minutes, so that the compressor star running. After you hear the compressor running open the piercing valve with alan range by rotating it counterclockwise. Let the fridge run for 30 minutes to get an accurate reading on the pressure meter.
If you notice negative pressure i.e. the reading is in the green zone, then this means the refrigerator is low on freon.
Step 7: Pierce the can and open the can valve
Now pierce the can by rotating the hose and open the can valve. Open and close it slowly at small waves as you cannot overfill the freon in the refrigerator. So refill in small waves and check in the meter if it is between 1 and 3 then close the can valve.
Step 8: Close the piercing Valve
After filling the freon, close the piercing valve. Take the hose out and save the can for the next refill. Place the cap of the piercing valve and do not remove the meter hose from the can as it will start leaking the refrigerant from the can.
Now the refrigerator is refilled with freon and it will start cooling normally as before.